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WDE™ – Certified Entry-Level Web Developer

(Exam WDE-40-01) – EXAM SYLLABUS

WDE-40-01 Exam Syllabus


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The exam consists of five sections:

  • Section 1 → 6 items, Section Weight: 15%
  • Section 2 → 8 items, Section Weight: 20%
  • Section 3 → 8 items, Section Weight: 20%
  • Section 4 → 10 items, Section Weight: 25%
  • Section 5 → 8 items, Section Weight: 20%

Objectives covered by the block (6 exam items)

  • Objective 1.1: Describe the basic structure of an HTML document, including the <!DOCTYPE> declaration.
  • Objective 1.2: Understand the distinction between block-level and inline elements.
  • Objective 1.3: Identify and correctly use basic HTML entities.
  • Objective 1.4: Explain the importance of character encoding.
  • Objective 1.5: Utilize comments to document HTML code.
  • Objective 1.6: Demonstrate the use of basic tags (html, head, title, body).

Objectives covered by the block (8 exam items)

  • Objective 2.1: Implement text formatting tags such as strong, em, u, del, sup, sub, and mark.
  • Objective 2.2: Demonstrate the use of headings (h1-h6) and their importance in structuring content and enhancing accessibility.
  • Objective 2.3: Structure content with paragraphs (p) and manage text flow.
  • Objective 2.4: Apply line breaks (br) and horizontal rules (hr) for content separation.
  • Objective 2.5: Use the blockquote, q, cite, and abbr tags appropriately.
  • Objective 2.6: Employ code, pre, kbd, and samp tags to display preformatted text, format code snippets and user input.
  • Objective 2.7: Create and manipulate ordered (ol), unordered (ul), and definition lists (dl), including nesting.
  • Objective 2.8: Create and manipulate tables (table, tr, td), focusing on headers (th), cell merging (colspan, rowspan), captions (caption), and table attributes (e.g., summary).

Objectives covered by the block (5 exam items)

  • Objective 3.1: Embed images with img tag (src), focusing on alt text (alt) and basic responsive design attributes (srcset, sizes, width, height).
  • Objective 3.2: Create hyperlinks using the a tag, covering internal and anchor links, external links, email and telephone links, and link-specific attributes (href, target, download, rel, title).
  • Objective 3.3: Embed multimedia content using audio and video elements (src, controls, width, height, autoplay, loop, preload), including considerations for cross-browser compatibility (the source element) and responsiveness (poster, media).
  • Objective 3.4: Design interactive image maps with map and area tags.
  • Objective 3.5: Utilize figure and figcaption for associating media with captions.
  • Objective 3.6: Embed external web content with iframe, including making iframes responsive.
  • Objective 3.7: Integrate multimedia elements as clickable links.
  • Objective 3.8: Integrate favicons for brand identity and user recognition.

Objectives covered by the block (10 exam items)

  • Objective 4.1: Design forms (form, label) with a variety of input types (input, type, name, id, text, email, url, number, password, checkbox, radio, submit, reset, textarea) and understand their specific use cases.
  • Objective 4.2: Discuss form submission methods (GET vs. POST) and their appropriate use cases.
  • Objective 4.3: Implement field grouping with fieldset and legend tags for enhanced form usability and use form-specific attributes to customize form behavior and appearance (value, placeholder, disabled, readonly).
  • Objective 4.4: Use validation techniques and attributes (e.g., required, min, max, maxlength, autocomplete, etc.).
  • Objective 4.5: Create dropdown menus with select and option tags.
  • Objective 4.6: Apply CSS for styling HTML elements, including the use of inline styles (the style attribute) and internal stylesheets (the style element).
  • Objective 4.7: Explore the use of CSS classes (class) and IDs (id) for element styling.
  • Objective 4.8: Incorporate color (color, background-color) and font properties (font-weight, font-size, font-family, font-style) for consistent website styling.
  • Objective 4.9: Differentiate and apply the use of span and div for styling and layout.
  • Objective 4.10: Incorporate basic styling attributes to manipulate the appearance of containers (border, padding, margin).

Objectives covered by the block (8 exam items)

  • Objective 5.1: Explain the core principles of web accessibility and the importance of following WCAG guidelines.
  • Objective 5.2: Utilize ARIA roles (role), states, and properties (aria-expanded, aria-checked, aria-hidden) to make web content more accessible.
  • Objective 5.3: Implement semantic markup and integrate modern HTML5 structural elements for document organization (header, nav, main, article, section, aside, footer).
  • Objective 5.4: Apply microformats (hCard, vCard), microdata, and (itemprop, itemscope) for enriched content semantics.
  • Objective 5.5: Understand and apply the basics of HTML APIs (Geolocation, Web Storage) in web applications.
  • Objective 5.6: Utilize SVG for scalable vector graphics, focusing on its benefits and basic syntax.
  • Objective 5.7: Discuss HTML5 development best practices, focusing on code readability and performance.
  • Objective 5.8: Understand and apply the basics of testing web accessibility.